Terms of Service
Changes to Booking Days
While we hope that your child/children will be happy and content with us we recognise that the booking may be subject to changes. Changes to booking days can only be made at the start of each term. Notice of changes must be given to the Manager prior to the end of the previous term. This must be in writing. Changes cannot be made during a fixed period of half term.
Whilst we understand that some parents work shift patterns this can only be accommodated if we have prior notice at the end of each term.
Emergency Places
Can only be accepted in exceptional circumstances. Fun Times Activity Club can only provide emergency places for children who are already registered with the Club.
You must hand over your child to Fun Times Activity Club Staff and sign them in on the daily register at breakfast club to ensure their safety and for us to take over responsibility for your child.
Your child will be handed over to the school staff at the end of breakfast club. If your child attends any extra-curricular activities we will collect them from this.
Child Pickup
At the end of the school day the infant children will be collected from their classrooms. Junior children will walk from their classes to the After School room.
The children must be collected from club prior to closing time ie by 5.45pm at the latest.
If you know you are going to be late you must telephone the Manager to inform her and they will let your child know.
Due to the nature of leasing agreements staff and children must wait outside the premises after operating hours.
In the event of your child feeling ill we will contact you or your emergency contact numbers to arrange collection.
In the event of an emergency situation occurring we would telephone an ambulance and your child may be taken to hospital for treatment. We will contact you as soon as possible in this situation.
By enrolling your child, you consent to your child being given First Aid in the event of an accident.
Rules and Behaviour
The children will be encouraged to develop the Club rules for the setting which will be based on British values, kind hands, words and feet. Your child will have the rules of the setting explained to them when they start. You will be required to ensure that your child/children adhere to these rules for the setting.
Fun Times Activity Club accepts cash, bank transfers and Childcare vouchers. Please make sure your preferred method of payment is specified on the child registration form.
If paying with vouchers, you will need to print the voucher or receipt of payment with the voucher company’s confirmation to your site manager. Voucher payments must be made in advance.
Please consult with your employer to see if you are registered under a voucher scheme. We are registered with most companies offering this scheme.
Payment Terms:
- Registration fees must be paid and the registration form must be completed before places can be confirmed.
- Fees must be paid on the first day of the week that your child attends.
- Monthly payments or voucher payments must be made in advance and a printout given to the Manager every time a payment is made. A copy email can also be used as proof.
- All permanent days must be paid for. This applies even if your child is off sick or on holiday.
- Your contract will start on the first day of the new school term except in the case of siblings of reception class children who may start at a later date.
- You will not be charged for school inset days, bank holidays and school holidays.
- If your child attends a school trip or other residential visits with the school half fees will still apply.
- If we are unable to operate in a school due to strikes, building work, floods, fire, bad weather etc a half fee will still apply.
- Registration for Breakfast/After School places will be suspended if payments are more than two weeks in arrears.
- Please ask for or retain receipts of fee payment if you receive tax credits or any benefits. If you require a receipt please ask at the time of making a payment.
Extra Charges
- A fee of £10.00 will be charged for cheques re-issued or returned unpaid for any reason by the bank.
- A late fee of £10 per 15 minutes will be charged to those who are late collecting their child.
Dates/Days Contracted
- You cannot change, reduce or increase these days for a fixed period of one half term. Changes to contracted days for future half terms can be made if necessary, but notice of these changes must be given to the Manager in writing prior to the start of the new half term. Any changes are subject to availability.
- At the end of the school term when the school closes earlier session times to accommodate this. If this is one of your child’s permanent days, the fee is payable even if you decide your child will not attend the session.
- A minimum of two weeks’ notice is needed to leave Fun Times Activity Club not including school holidays.
- If your child is not coming in to Fun Times Activity Club please let us know by phone call or text to confirm this. It is not acceptable for your child to inform us or for us to be told by the class teacher.
- You must inform us if your child will be attending any extracurricular activities in school on the days they are booked in and a member of staff will collect them as is necessary.